Mythologies of the World Wiki
Name Poseidon
Origin Greek mythology
Abode sea, earthquakes, floods, droughts, horses
Parents Cronus & Rhea
Consort(s) Amphitrite, Aphrodite, Demeter, Medusa, Theophane, Halia, Gaea, Iphimedea, Amymone, Eurynome (mortal), Anippe, Calyce, Pitane, Chione

With Amphitrite: Benthesicyme, Cymopoleia, Triton

With Aphrodite: Herophile, Rhode

With Demeter: Arion, Despoena

With Medusa: Chrysaor, Pegasus

With Theophane: Chrysomallus

With Halia: The Eastern Daemons

With Gaea: Antaeus, The Laestrygones

With Iphimedea: The Aloadae

With Amymone: Nauplius

With Eurynome: Bellerophon

With Anippe: Busiris

With Calyce: Cycnus of Colonae

With Pitane: Evadne

With Chione: Eumolpus

Without a consort: Proteus

Sacred Symbol(s) trident, bull, horse, dolphin, pine tree, wild celery
Other Name(s) Neptune (in Roman mythology)